Donate Securities
Maximize the impact of your gift
Donating securities is an efficient way to give: our charity receives the full market value of the securities you donate, while you save on capital gains tax and receive a charitable tax credit at the same time.
Download the Securities Transfer form linked below and follow the steps outlined on this page to initiate a securities donation.
Securities Transfer Form
Four easy steps to make a donation of securities to the Comox Valley Land Trust
Step 1.
Download the securities transfer form.
This form has all the information that we will need and that your broker will need to complete a securities transfer. Contact our administration by email at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Step 2.
Complete all sections of the securities transfer form.
Please complete the Donor information section and have your broker complete sections 2 and 3 of the form. Please sign the form and indicate how you would like your donation to be applied.
Step 3.
Email a copy of the completed transfer form to our administration:
We want to provide you with an accurate tax receipt and provide recognition to honour your generous gift. Therefore, it is important for us to receive your name and address details via the completed transfer form. Please email the completed transfer form to [email protected].
Step 4.
Email the completed transfer form to your broker or investment advisor.
Your broker or investment advisor is responsible for initiating the transfer. The Securities transfer form will have all the required information that they will need to initiate the transfer.
Additional Information:
Securities/shares/stock are considered legally transferred only when our agent Qtrade Direct Investing confirms delivery. The value of the donation receipt is based on the closing price of the shares on the day the shares are received by the Comox Valley Land Trust’s custodian, Qtrade Direct Investing.
Since our formation in 1999, the Comox Valley Land Trust has protected and conserved approximately 600Â hectares of ecologically significant land and wildlife habitat. This success is thanks to the vision and generosity of our donors and partners. Your donation to CVLT goes directly to acquiring and protecting the natural wealth of the Comox Valley.
Background photo by Don Tait