Tsolum River Nature Walk
Tsolum River Nature Walk
Tsolum River Restoration Society invites you to a family-friendly guided nature walk at the CVRD Spike Road Park. Come learn about this unique wetland ecosystem!
Tsolum River Restoration Society invites you to a family-friendly guided nature walk at the CVRD Spike Road Park. Come learn about this unique wetland ecosystem!
CVLT will be hosting a bog walk in the recently protected section of the Puntledge Forest to learn about bog ecosystems and the plants that inhabit them, such as Labrador tea, western bog laurel, lodgepole pine, skunk cabbage and sphagnum mosses.
CVLT is holding two family-friendly guided birding walks in Puntledge Forest on the morning of June 9th - you can join us at 8 AM or 10:30 AM. We will be walking mindfully, stopping often to listen and observe silently. Bring clothes for the weather, binoculars, a camera if you have one, and your keen eyes and ears.
Beaufort Watershed Stewards invite you to explore the Waterloo Creek area and its rare, majestic, old forest. There will be two walks: one from 9:45-11:30 AM and the next from 12:45-2:30 PM.
This calendar is sponsored by Hakai Energy Solutions: hakaienergysolutions.com